0. JEUS 8 Console Documents
제4장 콘솔 툴 remove-response-header 웹 엔진의 Response Header 설정을 삭제한다. 삭제되는 Response Header는 대소문자를 구별하지 않는다. 단, XML에만 반영하며 실제로 서비스에 적용하려면 서버를 재시작해야 한
1. JEUS 콘솔 접속법
## PATH 환경변수로 $JEUS_HOME/bin 경로가 잡혀있다면 바로 사용 가능
$ jeusadmin -u 아이디 -p 비밀번호
Attempting to connect to
The connection has been established to Domain Administration Server adminServer in the domain jeus_domain.
JEUS 8 Administration Tool
To view help, use the 'help' command.
2. 서버 작업
2.1. 사용방법 및 옵션 확인
[DAS]jeus_domain.adminServer>help add-server
Adds a new server to the domain configuration. If a server name is
not provided, the current server list in this domain will be shown.
add-server <server-name>
[-target,--duptargetserver <target-server>]
[-port,--baseport <base-port>]
[-addr,--baseaddr <base-addr>]
[-node,--nodeName <node-name>]
[-jvm,--jvmOptions <jvm-options>]
[-logdir,--logHomeDirectory <server-log-home-directory>]
[-a,--actionOnResourceLeak <action-on-resource-leak>]
[-l,--logStdoutToRawFormat <print-stdout-to-raw-format>]
[-m,--mejb <enable-MEJB>]
[-c,--classFtp <enable-class-ftp-service>]
the name of server you want to modify configuration of
[-target,--duptargetserver <target-server>]
duplicate the configuration of the target server
[-port,--baseport <base-port>]
base service listen port of the server
[-addr,--baseaddr <base-addr>]
base service listen address of the server
[-node,--nodeName <node-name>]
name of the node this server is located
[-jvm,--jvmOptions <jvm-options>]
jvm configurations applied to this server jvm
[-logdir,--logHomeDirectory <server-log-home-directory>]
the log directory which has all the log files created by this server
[-a,--actionOnResourceLeak <action-on-resource-leak>]
strategy when resource leak is detected. it must be one of NoAction,
Warning, AutoClose
[-l,--logStdoutToRawFormat <print-stdout-to-raw-format>]
[Dynamic] whether stdout is printed in row format or in JEUS Logger
[-m,--mejb <enable-MEJB>]
[Dynamic] whether using MEJB or not .true, false
[-c,--classFtp <enable-class-ftp-service>]
[Dynamic] whether using class ftp service or not .true, false
Acquires the configuration lock forcibly.
Show detail results
2.2. 서버 추가/삭제
basePort, node, addr 정도만 설정하여 추가 해볼 예정
## testServer (managed Server) 생성
[DAS]jeus_domain.adminServer>add-server testServer -port 9735 -node kys
Successfully performed the ADD operation for server (testServer).
Check the results using "list-servers or add-server".
## 서버 삭제하는법(종료한 상태에서 삭제하기~!)
[DAS]jeus_domain.adminServer>stop-server testServer
[DAS]jeus_domain.adminServer>remove-server testServer
※ node명의 경우 자신이 사용하는 노드를 확인하고 설정해줘야 합니다. 따로 건드리지 않았다면 보통 hostname으로 생성 되어있습니다.
서버 추가되어졌나 확인~!
[DAS]jeus_domain.adminServer> serverinfo
## 리스너 확인
[DAS]jeus_domain.adminServer>list-server-listeners -server testServer
Web-Listen Port 추가 해주기
## http 통신 포트 생성 (이름은 마음대로 해도됨)
[DAS]jeus_domain.adminServer>add-listener -server testServer -name http-listener -port 7777 -addr
Executed Successfully.
Check the result using 'list-server-listeners -server testServer -name http-port.
## http 통신 포트 추가
[DAS]jeus_domain.adminServer>add-web-listener -server testServer -name http -tmin 10 -tmax 20 -http -slref http-listener
Successfully changed only the XML.
Restart the server to apply the changes.
For detailed web connection information, use the 'show-web-engine-configuration -cn' command.
다시 추가 되어졌나 확인~
[DAS]jeus_domain.adminServer> list-server-listeners -server testServer
Domain에 정의 되어있는 JNDI 붙이기
jndiName : jndi/tibero
[DAS]jeus_domain.adminServer> add-data-sources-to-server -server testServer -ids jndi/tibero
Successfully performed the ADD operation for data sources to the server [testServer], but all changes were non-dynamic. They will be applied after restarting.
Check the results using "add-data-sources-to-server -server testServer".
2.3. 서버 구동/종료
## 서버 구동
[DAS]jeus_domain.adminServer> start-server testServer
The server(testServer) was successfully started. The server is [RUNNING]
## 서버 종료
[DAS]jeus_domain.adminServer> stop-server testServer
정상적으로 동작하는것을 확인 할 수 있음!!!!
3. application 배포작업
3.1. 명령어 확인
[DAS]jeus_domain.adminServer>help deploy-application
deploy the application
deployapp, deploy
deploy-application [<application-id>]
[-path,--applicationPath <path>]
[-servers <server-list>]
[-clusters <cluster-list>]
[-vh,--virtualHost <virtual-host>]
[-type,--applicationType <application-type>]
[-cl,--classloading <classloading-mode>]
[-plan,--deploymentPlanName <deployment-plan-name>]
[-ctxp,--contextPath <context-path>]
[-lib,--libraryId <library-IDs>]
[-version,--libraryVersion <library-versions>]
unique id of application(s) to be deployed. more than one
application needs to be separated by a comma(,)
[-path,--applicationPath <path>]
deploy application(s) placed with the specified path of machine on
domain admin server. more than one application needs to be separated
by a comma(,)
[-servers <server-list>]
names of servers to deploy. more than one server needs to be
separated by a comma(,)
[-clusters <cluster-list>]
names of clusters to deploy. more than one server needs to be
separated by a comma(,)
deploy to all server and all clusters on domain
[-vh,--virtualHost <virtual-host>]
virtual host to deploy
[-type,--applicationType <application-type>]
type of application to deploy (EAR|EJB|WAR|RAR|CAR)
[-cl,--classloading <classloading-mode>]
set the classloading mode between SHARED and ISOLATED
[-auto,--autoRedeployCheckInterval <auto-redeploy-check-interval>]
interval to check for redeploy automatically
[-security,--securityDomainName <security-domain-name>]
name of security domain
fast deploy with generated class already
keep the source file of generated class
shared application file through Network File System
When deploying an application that is not installed, upgrade the
deployment descriptor to the latest version.
[-plan,--deploymentPlanName <deployment-plan-name>]
name of deployment plan installed on domain
[-ctxp,--contextPath <context-path>]
name of context path of web application
enable staging mode deployment
[-lib,--libraryId <library-IDs>]
IDs of deployed dependent libraries separated by a comma(,)
[-version,--libraryVersion <library-versions>]
versions of deployed dependent libraries separated by a comma(,)
set application for Node JAVA (only WAR)
enable to concurrent mode
3.2. 배포하기/배포중단
## 배포하기 (배포에 성공하면 자동으로 running 상태됨)
[DAS]jeus_domain.adminServer>deploy-application testApp -path /home/jeus/test -servers testServer -type war -ctxp /test
deploy the application for the application [testApp] succeeded.
## 배포 중단하기
[DAS]jeus_domain.adminServer>undeploy-application testApp testApp
3.3. 배포 재시작,일시정지
## 일시중단
[DAS]jeus_domain.adminServer>stop-application testApp
stop the application for the application [testApp] succeeded.
## 재시작
[DAS]jeus_domain.adminServer>start-application testApp
start the application for the application [testApp] succeeded.
3.4. 어플리케이션 목록 확인
## application 목록조회
[DAS]jeus_domain.adminServer> appinfo
후기 . 보통 JEUS의 경우 관리자페이지에서 작업하는게 수월한데
작업환경에 따라서 방화벽이 뚫려있지 않다던지.... 하는경우에 필요할것 같아서 한번 간단하게 필요한 부분만 정리했다
콘솔에 관한 명령어는 처음에 언급한 JEUS 공식문서를 참조하면 원하는 기능은 대부분 할 수 있을것 같다....
근데 별로 하고싶진 않다...
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